RNN as an encoder

Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) are a type of neural network that makes it possible to analyze sequential data, such as text or time series data. They are called “recurrent” because they perform the same task for every element of a sequence, with the output being dependent on the previous computations.

RNN in the context of natural language processing can be best understood as.

RNN is a simple feed-forward neural network that is applied in the loop to each word in a sentence, while also adding the output of previous input generated by the same RNN

Consider an example where you want to classify the sentiment of a sentence. For that we take the simplest possible approach, We use RNN as a feature extractor. We pass our sentence through the RNN which gives us the vector representation of the sentence. We use this vector representation of the sentence as input to the feed-forward neural network which has the no of outputs equal to the number of classes. we can however use only 1 output in case there are only two classes. A high value for this output will represent one class and a low value for this output will represent another class.


From the above image, we can see that RNN converts sentences into embedding, But we can’t give a sentence to the neural network so we convert each word in a sentence to word embedding and feed that to the neural network. We can also use Embedding layer in the PyTorch to train the word embedding along the way, Embedding layer can also be used to load pre-trained word embedding from word2vec or Glove . In this article we assume already have word embeddings for each word in a sentence.

import torch
import torch.nn as nn

# first argument represents number of sentence in a batch
# second argument represent number of word in a sentence
# third argument represent word embedding size
sentence_word_embeddings = torch.randn(1, 3, 20) # dummy sentence embedding

word_embedding_length = 20
rnn_hidden_size = 15
rnn = nn.RNN(
out, hn = rnn(sentence_word_embeddings)

Now we can discuss what are the parameters that we have to give while creating the RNN layer and what input to give to the RNN after creating and, what to expect as a output of the RNN layer.

Parameters for creating RNN layer

  1. input_size

    In our example of using RNN to encode the sentence inputs_size represents the word embedding size, each word in the all of the sentence has fixed length word embedding size, input_size .

  2. hidden_size

    This is a hyperparameter in our network, we can try different values and see which works best for use. RNN is also a simple neural network so it has inputs and outputs, this represents the output size of RNN

  3. num_layers

    RNN implementation of the Pytorch is actually stacked RNN in which output from the one RNN layer is passed to the next RNN layer to produce final outputs, num_layers represent the number of stacked RNN unit we want to use in our network

  4. batch_first

    This argument is not actually related to how RNN works, it is rather related to different deep learning frameworks. When batch_first is set to true, the first dimension in our input and output tensor represents a batch first example output of shape (1,3,15) will represent 1 sentence with 3 words and 15 is the embedding size of each word when batch_first is true

Inputs passed to the RNN (inputs,h0)

  1. inputs

    if we want to send a batch if sentences to the RNN the dimension of the input should be (N,T,D) where N represents the number of sentences, T represents the number of words in each sentence, D represents word embedding size

  2. initial hidden state (h0)

    RNN is a simple feed-forward neural network that is applied in the loop to each word in a sentence, while also adding the output of previous input generated by the same RNN . But we don’t have any previous output in the first state to we need to give initial hidden state for the first-time step.

    The dimension of h0 is (num_layers,batch_size,hidden_size)

    we can initialize the initial hidden state for each sentence for each RNN unit. The length of the vector of the initial hidden_state is hidden_size because that’s what we feed back to RNN from the previous state of other time steps. Hence the dimension of the initial hidden state.


The output of the RNN Layer (out,h_n)

  1. out, The output of the final layer for each word (N,T,D)

    Each word passes through all the RNN layers (if num_layers>1) and produces final output, output contains final output of each word of each sentence hence the dimension (N,T,D). N for all sentences, T for each word, D is the hidden_size of the RNN

  2. h_n, The hidden state with dimension=(num_layers,N,D)

    Each sentence is passed through stacked RNN, After finishing a pass for each word in the sentence we can look at the output of each RNN unit. We do this for each sentence and this gives us h_n

RNN complete picture

Note that there are only two fully connected neural networks, which is used in a loop 3 times, because the length of our sentence is 3

Complete Picture